Tuesday, March 17, 2009

International Speech and Evaluation Contest!

This past Wednesday was our yearly Toastmasters International Speech and Evaluation Contest. I've been to many contests in the past, and I still enjoy going.

Julio gave a great speech entitled "Synthetic Happiness" in which he spoke of ways we can find true happiness in life.

Irene spoke powerfully about all the whimsical chemicals that roll around in our heads, and Jayashree gave a great talk about what makes her Canadian.

For our evaluation contest, our test Speaker Mike presented about a number of scientific studies that explored the feeling of disgust, after which 3 evaluators (Greg, Ann, and Jayashree) gave the best evaluations they could.

In the end, the winner of both contest was the talented Jayashree, very well done! Quite impressive , not least considering she's one of the busiest Power Speakers outside of our meetings!

It was great to see so many people in our room, and I would be remiss not to thank the Judges, and all the program assistants for coming together to make the Contest a success, good job team!!

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